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Orbit 3D by MegaPlot Poland
Increase the features of your CNC Router with our advanced CNC Router Control System that can push your machine to new limits.
Orbit 3D is a complete CNC solution consisting of:
- modern electronics with ARM CPU and
USB or LAN communication
- advanced 3D and CAM software with s
upport for the latest Windows OS
- unlimited free software updates
- the control pendant with a large display
It can be easily installed in any compatible existing machine to increase its possibilities, easy-of-use and versatility.
Learn more about Orbit 3D system by clicking on the green links on the right.

We hope our 20 years of experience in software development, designing and manufacturing of various types of computer-controlled machines as well as the quality and service we provide and which is appreciated by thousands of our customers in over 50 different countries will suffice to gain your interest in our products and consider co-operating with us.

Over the last 20 years, out of a company known to a few, we have developed into the largest hot wire foam cutters manufacturer in the world.
To learn more about the equipment we manufacture and offer, please visit www.megaplot.com
Îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò MegaPlot (English): www.megaplot.com
Official manufacturer website (English): www.megaplot.com