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  1. Is Orbit 3D compatible with all routers?
  2. Is the upgrade complicated? Can I do it myself?
  3. How much does it cost?


  1. Is Orbit 3D compatible with all routers?
    No, but it can be easily adapted to work with the majority of 3 axis routers available on the market. Please provide us with more info on your router and we will confirm compatibility.
  2. Is the upgrade complicated? Can I do it myself?
    Since the upgrade consists of connecting the motherboard to your existing machine's components (drivers, power supplies, etc.), it should be performed by a qualified person. Since you will receive a custom solution prepared for your actual machine, the install should not take longer than 1-2 hours.
  3. How much does it cost?
    Please contact us with more information on your machine so we can provide the total cost.
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